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Gratis One Face, Fifty Ways: The Portrait Photography Ideas Book de Imogen Dyer,Mark Wilkinson PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

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One Face, Fifty Ways: The Portrait Photography Ideas Book de Imogen Dyer,Mark Wilkinson

Descripción - Reseña del editor Whichever side of the camera you like to be on, this book will show you how - with some simple camera techniques and inexpensive items of wardrobe - you can revolutionise your portfolio.That's always been the mission of photographer Mark and presenter/model Imogen in their smash-hit YouTube channel WeeklyImogen, and their expertise has attracted 160,000 subscribers with well over a million views a month (and growing).In this book they'll turn the practical wisdom so popular with thousands of photographers worldwide into a simple and accessible guide. You won't need to spend a fortune on props, studios or equipment; photographers and models alike will quickly learn how to create an exciting, varied portfolio of fresh portrait photography. Biografía del autor Imogen Dyer (Author) Imogen Dyer is the unstoppable on-screen talent behind Weekly Imogen, the phenomenally successfully photography tips & tutorials YouTube channel which averages 50,000 views a day. Imogen and Mark began their photographic partnership in 2009 after a chance meeting at a village fete. Mark posted the images they shot together online and such was their success that they launched a YouTube channel to share their tips and techniques with Imogen presenting. Thus WeeklyImogen was born. In just four years it has become one of the biggest channels on YouTube, with over 150,000 subscribers and well over a million views a month with no sign of the growth slowing down.Mark Wilkinson (Author) Mark is an exceptionally talented self-taught photographer who delights in taking portraits in simple settings and extracting every last ounce of colour, texture and, crucially, natural light. Mark prides himself on working with an entry level Canon SLR, and a variety of lenses, though mainly a standard 50mm f1.8 lens. His personal photographic journey started when he was bought the wonderful Olympus Trip for his 12th

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: One Face, Fifty Ways: The Portrait Photography Ideas Book
  • Autor: Imogen Dyer,Mark Wilkinson
  • Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografĂ­a,FotografĂ­a
  • Tamaño del archivo: 10 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Descargada: 125 times
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

Descargar Ebook One Face, Fifty Ways: The Portrait Photography Ideas Book de Imogen Dyer,Mark Wilkinson PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

One Face 50 Ways: The Portrait Photography Idea Book: Dyer ~ One Face 50 Ways is a wonderful book to add to your photography library. Imogen Dyer is a beautiful model and her photographer for this book, Mark Wilkinson, knows how to use his camera to capture that beauty.

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