Descargar Photography Night Sky: A Field Guide for Shooting After Dark de Jennifer Wu,James Martin Ebooks, PDF, ePub
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Photography Night Sky: A Field Guide for Shooting After Dark de Jennifer Wu,James Martin
Descripción - Críticas I strongly recommend this book if you'd like to explore the heavens with your camera. So head outdoors and record the wonder of our planet, solar system, and galaxies. The film's cheap, and there's no reason to ever sleep again!--National Parks TravelerThe techniques are well explained and lead readers through the process ... Photo tips the authors impart include photographing star trails, moon phases and twilight; capturing phenomena such as auroras, noctilucent clouds and those mercurial Reseña del editor Photography: Night Sky will give you the tips and techniques you need to take stunning photographs in the dark. You'll learn how to overcome the unique issues that confront nighttime photographers and capture images of which you'll be proud. Co-author Jennifer Wu, an elite Canon 'Explorer of Light' professional photographer, has become renowned for her ability to capture nighttime phenomena, from quarter-phase moon rises to shooting stars to the ephemeral Milky Way. this new guide reveals her methods and concentrates on photographing four principal subjects: stars as points of light, star trails, the moon, and twilight. these subjects share common photo techniques and considerations, but each also requires a distinct approach. Once captured, your digital images must be fi nished on the computer; coauthor and author of the bestselling Photography: Outdoors, James Martin, delves into the settings and procedures that elevate an image from mundane to striking. This clear and practical guide will help photographers of all levels portray the stunning spectacle of the night sky, preserving those special memories and moments from a life outdoors. Biografía del autor A trip leader for Joseph Van Os Photo Safaris, JAMES MARTIN has contributed to Outdoor Photographer magazine and has seventeen books to his credit. For the Planet Ice project, he has ventured to Antarctica, Greenland, Baffin Island, the Alaska Range, Mount Everest, Patagonia, Central Africa's Ruwenzori Mountains, Mount Kilimanjaro, the Alps, the Canadian Rockies, Glacier National Park in Montana, Ecuador's volcanoes, Washington State's Cascade Mountains, Alaska's North Slope, the Three Gorges in China's Yunnan Province, and Shishapangma, also in China. He is represented by Getty Images and ImageState. For more information on Martin and his newly released book with Braided River, please visit or Planet Ice.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Photography Night Sky: A Field Guide for Shooting After Dark
- Autor: Jennifer Wu,James Martin
- Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Fotografía
- Tamaño del archivo: 10 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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Photography Night Sky: A Field Guide for Shooting after ~ A great guide for night sky photography. Simple and to the point. Not a lot of "filler". Perfect size to take on the go. I have been in the photography business for over 30 years and this book taught me a few new things, yet it's also a great book for the not so experienced photographer.
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: Customer reviews: Photography Night Sky: A ~ A great guide for night sky photography. Simple and to the point. Not a lot of "filler". Perfect size to take on the go. I have been in the photography business for over 30 years and this book taught me a few new things, yet it's also a great book for the not so experienced photographer.
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