[GRATIS] The Enthusiast's Guide to iPhone Photography de Sean Duggan PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
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The Enthusiast's Guide to iPhone Photography de Sean Duggan
Descripción - Reseña del editor If you’re a passionate photographer and you’re ready to take your work to the next level, The Enthusiast’s Guide book series was created just for you. Whether you’re diving head first into a new topic or exploring a classic theme, Enthusiast’s Guides are designed to help you quickly learn more about a topic or subject so that you can improve your photography.The Enthusiast’s Guide to iPhone Photography: 63 Photographic Principles You Need to Know teaches you what you need to know in order to shoot great images with your iPhone. Chapters are broken down into numbered lessons, with each lesson providing all you need to improve your photography. Photographer and author Seán Duggan covers the iPhone's basic and advanced camera controls, the apps you need most for shooting and processing your images, and the principles you need to know in order to capture and share great, creative, beautiful images with your mobile device. Lessons include:4. Five Essential Apps You Need11. Capture Action with Burst Mode13. Portrait Mode34. Night Photography38. Double Exposures and Composites43. The Video Settings59. Share on Social MediaWritten in a friendly and approachable manner, and illustrated with examples that drive home each lesson, The Enthusiast’s Guide to iPhone Photography is designed to be effective and efficient, friendly and fun. Read an entire chapter at once, or read just one topic at a time. With either approach, you’ll quickly learn a lot so you can head out with your camera to capture great shots. Biografía del autor Seán Duggan is a fine art photographer, author, and educator with extensive experience in both the traditional and digital darkrooms. Through his writing and teaching, he has been helping photographers master digital photography and image-editing techniques for over 20 years. His core philosophy is to help people see the image possibilities in any situation, to look for the extraordinary in the ordinary, and to seek out uniquely personal ways of interpreting a scene, both with the camera and through creative processing techniques. Seán has more than 20 online courses on photography, Photoshop, and mobile image-making at LinkedIn Learning/Lynda.com, including the regular series Mobile Photography Weekly. He is the co-author of the bestselling books Photoshop Masking & Compositing, Real World Digital Photography, The Creative Digital Darkroom, Photoshop Artistry, and his Lightroom Tips column can be seen in Kelby Media's Lightroom Magazine. To learn more, visit Seán online at seanduggan.com and on Instagram @sduggan.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: The Enthusiast's Guide to iPhone Photography
- Autor: Sean Duggan
- Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Fotografía
- Tamaño del archivo: 16 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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The Enthusiast's Guide to iPhone Photography: 63 ~ The Enthusiast’s Guide to iPhone Photography: 63 Photographic Principles You Need to Know teaches you what you need to know in order to shoot great images with your iPhone. Chapters are broken down into numbered lessons, with each lesson providing all you need to improve your photography.
Rocky Nook The Enthusiast's Guide To iPhone Photography ~ • 34 - Night Photography • 38 - Double Exposures and Composites • 43 - The Video Settings • 59 - Share on Social Media Written in a friendly and approachable manner, and illustrated with examples that drive home each lesson, The Enthusiast's Guide to iPhone Photography is designed to be effective and efficient, friendly and fun.
The Enthusiast's Guide to iPhone Photography ~ The Enthusiast’s Guide to iPhone Photography will open any amateur or enthusiast’s eyes to the amazing capabilities of the iPhone as a camera and post-production device. It will provide a fantastic introduction to the fundamentals of good photography and give a brief look at some of the optional third-party empowerment tools for the device, but a detailed buying guide it is not.
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