[Download] Mastering Landscape Photography (Digital Photography Book 4) (English Edition) de Al Judge libros ebooks
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Mastering Landscape Photography (Digital Photography Book 4) (English Edition) de Al Judge
Descripción - With very little time and effort you can be well on your way to taking better Landscape pictures consistently.Any serious photographer will eventually learn everything in this book. You have an opportunity to learn it quickly and easily in just a few hours. Adjusting APERTURE, SHUTTER SPEED, ISO and EXPOSURE will no longer be sources of stress, and your confidence will be greatly enhanced. Do your eyes glaze over when people use terms like ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed, and Exposure? Does the term f-stop make your stomach turn? Are you enthused about photography but confused by all the technical jargon? Would you like to be more consistent with the quality of your images? Do you wonder how professional photographers get such great shots? Ultimately you will need to understand Exposure and its components Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO – also known as the Exposure Triangle – and how they work together if you want to have any control over your results.Mastering Landscape Photography will painlessly provide help and insight with all these topics and more in just a few hours of your time. Without a guide on your path to better pictures, you run the risk of spending a great deal of time and money heading down the wrong road. Frustration and confusion can easily take the wind from your sails and replace excitement with disappointment. This guide to Landscape Photography builds a solid foundation of photographic knowledge with easy-to-follow discussions of everything that you need to know in order to create better images with confidence.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Mastering Landscape Photography (Digital Photography Book 4) (English Edition)
- Autor: Al Judge
- Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Fotografía
- Tamaño del archivo: 10 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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Mastering Landscape Photography (Digital Photography ~ Mastering Landscape Photography will painlessly provide help and insight with all these topics and more in just a few hours of your time. Without a guide on your path to better pictures, you run the risk of spending a great deal of time and money heading down the wrong road.
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: Masters of Landscape Photography ~ Landscape photography is one of the most popular genres for amateur photographers. Mastering the genre, however, takes time: time to perfect exposure, color, composition, and—perhaps above all else—the ability to see and record the landscape in a way that will make your photographs stand above the rest.
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