[Descargar PDF] Eyes Wide Open! 100 Years of Leica Photography de Hans-Michael Koetzle PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
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Eyes Wide Open! 100 Years of Leica Photography de Hans-Michael Koetzle
Descripción - Reseña del editor A note in a workshop log proves that in 1914, Oskar Barnack put the finishing touches on the first working model of a compact camera for 35mm standard cinema film. He had not merely invented a new camera—the Leica (=Leitz/camera), not introduced until 1925 due to the war—he in fact ushered in a paradigm shift in photography.Just in time to mark a milestone birthday of the legendary compact camera, and for the first time in this thematic breadth, this volume, with about eight hundred images, offers a wide artistic and cultural history of the Leica from the 1920s to the present day.Essays by international authors examine topics including the technical genesis of the Leica, its influence on photojournalism, and its significance for a wide variety of avant-garde currents in art photography. Heretofore unpublished documents from the archives of the Leica Camera AG round off this multifaceted one-hundred-year cultural chronicle.Includes photographs by Michael Ackerman, Jane Evelyn Atwood, Ilse Bing, René Burri, Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Mark Cohen, Bruce Davidson, Michel Vanden Eeckhoudt, William Eggleston, Robert Frank, Lee Friedlander, Alberto Garcia Alix, Gianni Berengo Gardin, Ralph Gibson, Bruce Gilden, René Groebli, George Grosz, Ara Güler, Elisabeth Hase, Fred Herzog, Frank Horvat, Thomas Hoepker, Barbara Klemm, William Klein, Robert Lebeck, Saul Leiter, Ulrich Mack, Ramón Masats, Susan Meiselas, Jeff Mermelstein, Joel Meyerowitz, Will McBride, László Moholy-Nagy, Alexander Rodtschenko, Paolo Roversi, Erich Salomon, Jeanloup Sieff, Klavdij Sluban, Louis Stettner, Christer Strömholm, Sabine Weiss, Kai Wiedenhöfer, Tom Wood, and many others. Contraportada A note in a workshop log proves that at the latest in March 1914, Oskar Barnack put the finishing touches on the first working model of a compact camera for 35 mm standard cinema film. He had not merely invented a new camera – the Leica (= Leitz/camera), not introduced until 1925 due to the war, in fact ushered in a paradigm shift in photography. The Leica made it easier for amateurs, newcomers, and emancipated women to take pictures, but, more than that, it also enabled a whole new way of seeing things – a faster, more dynamic view of the world from new angles. Just in time to mark a milestone birthday of the legendary compact camera, and for the first time in this thematic breadth, this volume with about 1.200 images offers a wide artistic and cultural history of the Leica from the 1920s to the present day. Essays by international authors examine topics including the technical genesis of the Leica, its influence on photojournalism, and its significance for a wide variety of avant-garde currents in art photography. Heretofore unpublished documents from the archives of the Leica Camera AG round off this multifaceted 100-year cultural chronicle. Photographs by: Michael Ackerman, Jane Evelyn Atwood, Ilse Bing, Edouard Boubat, René Burri, Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Mark Cohen, Bruce Davidson, Michel Vanden Eeckhoudt, William Eggleston, Richard Fleischhut, Robert Frank, Lee Friedlander, Alberto Garcia Alix, Gianni Berengo Gardin, Ralph Gibson, Bruce Gilden, René Groebli, George Grosz, Ara Güler, Elisabeth Hase, Fred Herzog, Frank Horvat, Thomas Hoepker, Barbara Klemm, William Klein, Robert Lebeck, Saul Leiter, Ulrich Mack, Ramón Masats, Susan Meiselas, Jeff Mermelstein, Joel Meyerowitz, Will McBride, László Moholy-Nagy, Victor Palla, Alexander Rodtschenko, Paolo Roversi, Erich Salomon, Jeanloup Sieff, Klavdij Sluban, Louis Stettner, Christer Strömholm, Alfred Tritschler, Sabine Weiss, Kai Wiedenhöfer, Dr. Paul Wolff, Tom Wood and many others Biografía del autor Hans-Michael Koetzle is a Munich-based freelance author and journalist, focusing mainly on history and the aesthetics of photography. He has published numerous books on photography.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Eyes Wide Open! 100 Years of Leica Photography
- Autor: Hans-Michael Koetzle
- Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Fotografía
- Tamaño del archivo: 8 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Descargada: 714 times
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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EYES WIDE OPEN! 100 años de Leica ~ “EYES WIDE OPEN! 100 YEARS OF LEICA PHOTOGRAPHY” acoge 500 imágenes de, entre otros, Alexander Rodchenko, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, Christer Strömholm, Robert Frank, Bruce Davidson, William Klein, William Eggleston, René Burri, Thomas Hopker y Bruce Gilden. Puede verse hasta el 11 de enero de 2015.
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