Download The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC / Lightroom 6 book: the complete guide for photographers de Martin Evening PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
Gratis The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC / Lightroom 6 book: the complete guide for photographers de Martin Evening PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis, Descargar Gratis The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC / Lightroom 6 book: the complete guide for photographers Spanish Edition
The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC / Lightroom 6 book: the complete guide for photographers de Martin Evening
Descripción - Reseña del editor Adobe Photoshop Lightroom was designed from the ground up with digital photographers in mind, offering powerful editing features in a streamlined interface that lets photographers import, sort, and organize images. In this completely updated bestseller, author Martin Evening describes features in Lightroom CC (2015 Release)/ Lightroom 6 in detail from a photographer's perspective. As an established commercial and fashion photographer, Martin knows firsthand what photographers need for an efficient workflow. He has been working with Lightroom from the beginning, monitoring the product's development and providing valued feedback to Adobe. As a result, Martin knows the software inside and out, from image selection to image editing and image management. In this book he'll teach you how to: * Work efficiently with images shot in raw or JPEG formats * Import photographs with ease and sort them according to your workflow * Create and manage a personal image and video library * Quickly apply tonal adjustments to multiple images * Integrate Lightroom with Adobe Photoshop * Export images for print or Web as digital contact sheets or personal portfolios * Make the most of new features in Lightroom CC / Lightroom 6 such as face recognition, multi-image processing for HDR and panoramas, GPU support for the Develop module, and Slideshow and Web improvements Photographers will find Lightroom CC / Lightroom 6 and The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC / Lightroom 6 Book indispensable tools in their digital darkrooms. 'With Martin's expert guidance, you'll soon find that you have precisely the tools you need to turn your concentration back where it belongs-on making better pictures!' -George Jardine, digital photography consultant 'As a photographer himself, Martin Evening knows what tools photographers need to realize their creative vision. In this book, he shows not only how Adobe Photoshop Lightroom works but also why it will become an essential part of any photographer's workflow.' -Greg Gorman, photographer Biografía del autor Martin Evening is a UK-based photographer and noted expert in photography and digital imaging. In addition to being a best-selling author, Evening is a sought-after speaker and lecturer and is a member of the NAPP Photoshop Hall of Fame. He also works with the Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Photoshop Lightroom engineering teams, consulting on new feature development and alpha and beta testing. He is one of the founding members of PixelGenius, a software design company producing automated production and creative plug-ins for Photoshop.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC / Lightroom 6 book: the complete guide for photographers
- Autor: Martin Evening
- Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Fotografía
- Tamaño del archivo: 12 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC/Lightroom 6. Guía completa ~ Hoy te traigo una recomendación literaria más técnica de lo habitual. Pero es que, a la hora de editar tus fotos en Lightroom, este es un manual de referencia. Un imprescindible en tu estantería si tienes intención de aprender a usar Lightroom. Este no es un programa sencillo, y no me refiero a que sea difícil de usar, sino a que es complejo.
The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Book: The Complete Guide for ~ While Adobe Photoshop has long been their choice for editing digital photographs, many photographers want a more focused tool. That’s where Adobe Photoshop Lightroom comes in. Designed from the ground up with digital photographers in mind, Photoshop Lightroom offers powerful editing features in a streamlined interface that lets photographers import, sort, and organize images.
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