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[Descargar] Wildlife Photographer of the Year: Portfolio 24 de Natural History Museum Ebooks, PDF, ePub

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Wildlife Photographer of the Year: Portfolio 24 de Natural History Museum

Descripción - Críticas 'These hundred images are almost as diverse as the variety of wildlife...many images make you look twice...It's hard to pick a favourite, but many will make an inspiring impression' Good Book Guide; '...a regular favourite in my household...the richly detailed, glorious images give us an unsurpassed vision of our planet's wildlife - and indication of what we are now at risk of losing.' The Observer Reseña del editor For 50 years, the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition has championed honest and ethical wildlife photography, while pushing the boundaries of artistic freedom, technical skill and narrative excellence. This powerful collection of pictures features all the winning photographs from the prestigious 50th competition. The collections represents the work of many international photographers, both professionals and amateurs. The photographs are chosen by an international jury for their artistic merit and originality, from categories that together represent a diversity of natural subjects. The range of styles is also diverse, as is the genre of photography, whether action, macro, underwater, landscape or environmental reportage. Together this outstanding collection is a reminder of the splendour, drama and variety of life on Earth. Each stunning photograph is accompanied by an extended caption and there is an introduction by one of the world's most respected nature photographers. Biografía del autor The Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition, now in its 50th year, is an international showcase for the very best photography featuring natural subjects. The most innovative and imaginative photographic images are judged and selected by a panel of experts. The chosen images form an exhibition at the Natural History Museum that tours the UK and worldwide throughout the year. The competition is owned by two UK institutions that pride themselves on revealing and championing the diversity of life on Earth: the Natural History Museum and BBC Worldwide.

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Wildlife Photographer of the Year: Portfolio 24
  • Autor: Natural History Museum
  • Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Fotografía
  • Tamaño del archivo: 9 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

Descarga Wildlife Photographer of the Year: Portfolio 24 de Natural History Museum Libro PDF

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Wildlife Photographer of the Year: Portfolio 26: ~ For more than 50 years, the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition has championed honest and ethical wildlife photography, while pushing the boundaries of artistic freedom, technical skill, and narrative excellence. This powerful collection of pictures features all the winning photographs from the 2015 competition.

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