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Descargar Ebook Light and Shoot 50 Fashion Photos de Chris Gatcum PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

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Light and Shoot 50 Fashion Photos de Chris Gatcum

Descripción - Críticas 'This is the inspirational and practical guide to shooting fashion in a wide range of settings and styles, with emphasis on the use of lighting, rather than digital processing, to create a specific feel and look. The fashion genres of photography is arguably the most challenging and competitive. Also, fashion is the subject that most students want to specialize in.Some of the images in this fully illustrated book you will love more, some maybe less, but all these images have a 'spark', something inspirational. This book offers you the techniques that you can use to create your shots.' 'This book is an inspirational and practical guide to shooting fashion in a wide range of styles and settings, with emphasis on the use of lighting, rather than digital processing, to create a specific look and feel. Photography is all about light. Of all the genres of photography, fashion is arguably the most challenging and very competitive. And fashion is the subject that most students want to specialize in. The photography constantly evolving and redefining itself, and inherently more open to experimentation and personal expression than many other genres. Some of the images in this book you will love more, some maybe less, but all of them have a 'spark', something that inspires you. This title offers the techniques that you can borrow to create your shots.' 'This book is an asset to any bookshelf but really should be a table book. There are 50 artsy pictures taken by impeccable photographers. The make-up on these models is fabulous, and the clothing creates scenes from different eras, but lighting is the key enabling us to see the beauty. Light creates mood, and fashion photographers are highly skilled at utilizing it - as these pictures expose. This book is an inspirational and practical guide to shooting fashion in a wide range of styles and settings with the emphasis on the use of lighting, rather than digital processing, to create a specific look or feel. Some of the images tap into your creativity, while others may not be for you, but one thing for sure: all of these pictures are exciting and dramatic. It is easy to focus on the eyecatching models, but it's hard to imagine these photos without the exceptionally skilled photographers who control the fashion shoot.'--City Book

Reseña del editor Have you ever wondered what it really takes to be a fashion photographer? Want to learn what the pros do in the field on a daily basis to create compelling, artistic, iconic fashion imagery? Then this is the book for you!  With a focus on lighting, Light and Shoot takes 50 truly amazing fashion photos and tells the budding fashion photographer how each was created. First is the equipment 'must-haves.' Next are lessons on how to integrate make-up and lighting. From there, you will learn how to shoot for the three main outlets: catalogue, editorial, or advertising. From beautiful photos and lighting diagrams to the photographer's thoughts behind the photos, to a snapshot that shows what camera, ISO, shutter speed etc. were used, this book will give you the tools you need to light and shoot your own fashion photos.

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Light and Shoot 50 Fashion Photos
  • Autor: Chris Gatcum
  • Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Fotografía
  • Tamaño del archivo: 14 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

Descargar Gratis Light and Shoot 50 Fashion Photos de Chris Gatcum PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

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